Tuesday, March 9, 2010

running is hard.

I have found that I am out of shape. I have a clumsy gate. I lack a pace suitable for an adult male bipedal homo sapien; nevertheless, I trudge on. I have had to run everyday to keep on pace... this hurts. Having said that I recommend this approach to running. Force yourself to run everyday, disregard how terrible it is for you. It gets you through all the aches and pains quickly. I have heard this phrase a 1000 times "running kills my knees", really!!! No shit, it's called exercise... it goes away. I am forcing myself to run everyday, no matter how slow or how terrible I feel. 13 minute miles are the norm so far. I will take a day off when I get it under 12. 


Chrissy said...

While you are doing this challenge, you should read the book *Born to Run.* I just finished it and it's really inspiring, exciting, and interesting. Nonfiction, and all about running (and yet about so much more!).

Zay said...

13 minute miles sounds like my kind of pace.